Targeting only one role within your target account DMU could jeopardize your sale.
This is because the decision-making unit (DMU) is at the core of B2B selling. Also called a buying center, it consists of all the participants in a purchase decision.
The DMU comprises 6 archetypes: initiator, influencer, decider, buyer, user and coordinator. While many companies get fixated on senior decision makers, there are many untapped opportunities among other more accessible stakeholders.
Sense check your approach with this interactive tool and discover quick-wins and longer term tactics. Take a look at our decision making infographic to learn how to make sure you are targeting the right B2B decision makers for your campaign.
Download the full Decision Making Infographic Here >
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Key B2B Decision Maker Insights
68% of B2B customers prefer to research independently online (Forrester)
72% of B2B customers expect vendors to offer personalized engagement (Salesforce)
Buyers tend to carry out 67% of their buying journey digitally (SiriusDecisions)
Businesses with aligned sales and marketing functions grow their revenues 24% faster than their peers (LinkedIn)
70% of survey respondents said timeliness of a vendor’s response was one of the reasons they selected a winning vendor (Demand Gen Report)
62% say they can now develop selection criteria or finalize a vendor list — based solely on digital content (Forrester)
For more tips, best practices and actionable advice, why not download An Advanced Guide to B2B Segmentation.